4-week group Detox Challenge (1)
Mon, Apr 17
|to be define
For groups of friends who need an easy and fun way to get healthier. Find a partner to hold you accountable and help you win. Includes: a) 7 day detox diet with juices, soups and salads b) a detox skin care protocol c)a mind and spiritual detox through meditation and breathing exercise.

Time & Location
Apr 17, 2023, 9:00 AM
to be define
About the event
1st week pre-detox
Eliminate gluten, dairy, alcohol, processed sugars, and caffeine to prepare the body for the
2nd week detox juice cleanse
Juices, soups and salads. Each juice combination has specific ingredients that will help flush out toxins from kidneys, liver, blood etc. Recipes provided.
3rd week post-detox
Introduce different food groups day by day. Once your system is so clean, your body will react very quickly. (In a good way like more energy or bad way like bloated, tired, gassy) For this week it’s important to keep a journal.
4th week detox of mind and body care products
This is not a diet; it is a detox protocol and life-style change. It is very important to do a detox at least twice a year. Toxins get trapped to unwanted body fat and it’s very difficult to lose weight if you don’t flush out those toxins.
Benefits that you will see after the detox protocol: energy improvement, weight loss, better sleep, skin improvement, better digestion, cure leaky gut and allergies, control sugar cravings, better concentration, control stress and anxiety, help autoimmune conditions, reduce chronic inflammation and more. This is like a reboot for the body.
1 consultation per week: first consultation is a private functional medicine consultation. The rest of the consultations are in group on zoom.
daily coaching via WhatsApp group
3 juice bottles and 1 tod bag
Latest blood tests before starting the program.
Juice Plus capsules trio (fruits, vegetables, berries) and omegas
Payment of full program before first consultation
Price: $400 per person
4-week group Detox Challenge
$400.00+$10.00 service feeSale ended